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Lunchroom Murder Mystery Discussion

Lunchroom Murder Mystery Discussion

Q Remember - your Investigative Report must look very similar to the example below. Each paragraph must start with a CLAIM, then state your EVIDENCE, and lastly, your REASONING. Do NOT include my sample paragraph (which answers Question #1) in your report. Your 4 paragraphs should answer 4 of the remaining 5 questions on the Crime Scene Investigation - Lunchroom Murder Mystery.pdf Actions handout (Questions #2-6). To the Police Chief: After some lengthy and difficult analysis of the crime scene, I concluded that the shooter shot Fannin with his left hand. When I first arrived in the lunchroom, the first thing I noticed was that there was a handprint on the wall – more specifically, the handprint of a right-hand. I also took note of Ernie’s testimony, where he stated that the murderer leaned against the wall while firing at point-blank range. So how do we know that the shooter shot Fannin with his left hand? Firstly, as a general rule, when one hand is completely flat touch a wall, that hand is unable to also hold an object (such as a gun.) Furthermore, when a person’s right-hand is engaged (such as flat-touching a wall), the other hand must be the left hand. Therefore, there is no other alternative than to conclude that the murderer shot Fannin with his LEFT hand. Secondly, [Claim #2.].. In the lunchroom, there is [Evidence #2]…As a general rule, when…[Reasoning #2]….Therefore, [Conclusion / Claim #2]… Thirdly, I also concluded that…[Claim #3]…………

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To the Police Chief: After some lengthy and difficult analysis of the crime scene, I concluded that the shooter shot Fannin with his left hand. When I first arrived in the lunchroom, the first thing I noticed was that there was a handprint on the wall – more specifically, the handprint of a right-hand. I also took note of Ernie’s testimony, where he stated that the murderer leaned against the wall while firing at point-blank range.